This year, as June approached, I felt a stirring inside like I have never known before.

Perhaps it’s because of where I am in my own life, secure in loving relationships that support and empower me. Perhaps it is the energy and mission of my work with SUNY@Buffalo, that genuinely keeps the focus on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice. It could be that I’ve been relistening and praying through the inspired writings of brave souls like Brene Brown, Martha Beck, and Richard Rohr. And it’s no doubt that there are way too many sad stories of young people who have not known the love and acceptance they deserve…

So I am taking this month of June… to dig a little deeper…Not because feeling good about yourself should be dedicated to a calendar month… but because it is a start.
Where DO I start? Since I do not have a clear path…I’ve decided to START by TALKING about it. By stepping out of the safe shadows and inviting the Spirit of love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control to take the lead.
I invite your thoughts… not as a platform of discord, but rather one of discourse. We can and should learn from each other…