The gift within the pain...
Blog Posts
It is never easy to pack up and move; the emotions that slip into each suitcase, plastic bin, and aged box hold a lifetime of memories. When the choices are limited and feel like they’re less than our own, the mix of gratitude and hesitation is palpable. Establishing resettlement homes for refugee families has groomed … Continue reading Presence
What Was Hard About Today?
It was one of those teacher days… in the class I was observing a lesson in, the co-teacher called in sick and would be out for the rest of the week. A little one vomited in class and that made other children feel sick. The class, though rich in goodness, has their fair share of … Continue reading What Was Hard About Today?
The Space
This Christmas as I reflect on what the past year has given me, I recognize that JOY has found me! For so long, I have searched for my niche, and while every corner of my life feeds me… bright contentment has settled on my soul… Many paths have led me to this time… Each turn, … Continue reading JOY
Look for the Crack
Groping in the darkness, all we can rely on is the belief that beyond the unrest is the light we know is calling us. Too often, life these days takes us from crisis to crisis. From personal to family to community and globally, we are bombarded with the challenges of difference. The isolation we were … Continue reading Look for the Crack
Which Path?
The harshness of the world’s realities has many of us pausing more and more often as we seek answers and clarity for how to face the future. I think about the foundations that were given to me and how they have sustained me during many of life’s tribulations. I am tempted to feel for the … Continue reading Which Path?
Missing The Moments…
It may feel as if the Climb never ends. Niagara Gorge, Niagara Falls, NY Perhaps it is because you are Looking at the Top... ...that which is farthest away. Angels' Landing, Zion National Park, Utah Look instead, at the step you are on TODAY. Angels' Landing; on the Trail There is something to be learned, … Continue reading Missing The Moments…
Love and Wisdom Larger than Ours…
Easter 2021… Who would have ever predicted LAST Easter when we were cautiously hopeful that we might "soon" be able to gather again for family holidays in a life fully lived, that a year later we would still be living the challenge. In our home, we decided to make our own traditions, so we planned … Continue reading Love and Wisdom Larger than Ours…
If It Can Work for Children…
Flashback to 2018 when I was still in the classroom… As we each found our spot on the rug… one person deep, so that NO One was out of the circle of belonging, everyone knew this was a safe place to be their true self. Some weeks, it was simply a light exchange of “What … Continue reading If It Can Work for Children…
Twelve long weeks ago, I was made keenly aware of how the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent quarantine was a wake-up call. Despite the challenges, I witnessed people becoming keenly aware of their priorities, asking those important questions... what really matters? Family. How do we Protect.? What is REALLY Essential? How can I best Connect? How … Continue reading Essential…?
Education… Our Future…
During National Teacher Week, our hearts and minds have gone to ALL the many factors that encompass 'being a teacher.' The spotlight on educators is brighter than ever, as we face what it means to teach a child in today’s world. Every day, I hear another story. The images sometimes bring me heart ache, sometimes … Continue reading Education… Our Future…
We Will Never Agree…
It does not take a pandemic to point out the realities of human nature and interaction. If nothing else, the current world situation, and how various authorities are responding, shows the vastness of interpretation, values and human reaction. But what surfaces for me, is what I view as the 'bigger truth.' Sedona, Arizona, circa 2011 … Continue reading We Will Never Agree…
We weep. And we wipe our tears. We scream. Before we hold a moment of silence. We clench our fists in rage. Then we reach out to hold another’s hand. We vomit in disbelief. Yet we serve a meal to the hungry. We die inside. And then we look for an option to create. We … Continue reading We…
Letting Go of Chaos
In my younger years, I would often seek quiet chapels to center and ground myself. There, I would face the elements banging about me… the inner ... and the outer, which I had little control over. This week, I went to our volunteer refugee resettlement storage unit -a space ‘given’ to us by one of … Continue reading Letting Go of Chaos
The Moment Before Us…
In the moment before us, we are offered what we most need for the moments after that... I wonder how often I've missed that grace, with my eyes on the horizon instead of that directly before me... This week we cross-country skied what I consider the best trails in Western New York. Conditions ~ plenty … Continue reading The Moment Before Us…
The Table of Want
I would lie awake at night, at the end of Christmas day, and ‘rate’ our Christmas. I’m not sure what need precipitated my young soul to do this. But the practice followed me into adulthood as if a pre-subscribed formula would make for a good~better~best day. This year, as memories popped up on my phone… … Continue reading The Table of Want
Sometimes It Just Keeps Raining
Sometimes it just keeps raining… and no matter your attitude, you keep getting pelted. Often, we trip and fall… and even though we get up, injuries happen, and the bruises are prominent. Always, we can choose the path we take. Sometimes it just keeps raining. This week, while in the ADK, the only chance I … Continue reading Sometimes It Just Keeps Raining
Choose Hope
As a volunteer for refugee resettling for the past 2+ years … you get into a flow with a crew of ‘happy helpers’ … With the shared intention of making a house a home, each person brings their best self. It makes the time fly by, and no matter the blips that present themselves along … Continue reading Choose Hope
Keep Watch with Me
I went back tonight to the spiritual community of my young adulthood. I went back to say goodbye, as yet another church in the city of Buffalo is having its doors closed. I went to offer support, and was taken aback by how it hit me… Memories flooded over me… this was the church of … Continue reading Keep Watch with Me
Little Bits of Light can Illuminate the Darkness
The last week or so saw an uptick for me as the group I volunteer with finished our 29th home for a refugee family of 6. It takes me back to Spring 2022, when it was suggested that I "check the group out…” When I did, I learned that ‘they’ accepted every aspect of support: … Continue reading Little Bits of Light can Illuminate the Darkness
Invite Small Moments to Inhabit Your Heart
Inviting small moments to inhabit my heart… that is my challenge this Thanksgiving… my beacon of light in a world that tends to point us to the darkness. Yesterday, it was a grey, dreary day in Western New York… the rain had stopped, but the dampness had pasted the land with flattened leaves and a … Continue reading Invite Small Moments to Inhabit Your Heart
Thy Kingdom Come…
So many hands and hearts touching so many lives… This week, another marvelous experience of people making the world a better place. 4 trucks... 1 trailer...11 pick up and drop-offs...50+ volunteers... 1 home... 3 apartments, and reorganizing our storage unit, (paid for by generous donors) ~ THIS was our charge, as we answered "yes!" to … Continue reading Thy Kingdom Come…