This year, as June approached, I felt a stirring inside like I have never known before. Perhaps it's because of where I am in my own life, secure in loving relationships that support and empower me. Perhaps it is the energy and mission of my work with SUNY@Buffalo, that genuinely keeps the focus on Diversity, … Continue reading PRIDE. Longer than a Month… Stronger than a Word.
Author: admin
Any Moment…
I came upon a labyrinth and thought, “Why not?” Who doesn’t need to slow down and simply focus on the path one is on…? I had to chuckle … the mere fact that someone was ahead of me, opened the temptation to catch up. “To what?” I wondered. Out of nowhere, a child came running … Continue reading Any Moment…
Meaningful Magic in the Classroom
It’s the last day before spring break… when everyone in the school community is doing their best to hold it together until a much-needed vacation begins. Teaching is hard. I knew it during my 34 years in the elementary and special education environment. I see it now as a graduate-level instructor and student teaching supervisor/coach. … Continue reading Meaningful Magic in the Classroom
Broadening the Way…
The last couple of years has brought me to a place that feels like home. As a semi-retired woman who knows the privilege, as well as the hardships of my own identify in society, it has been a life pursuit to find … and keep finding(!)... my niche. Issues of social justice are incredibly important … Continue reading Broadening the Way…
“It’s a great life… if you don’t weaken…”
Life is hard… there’s no escaping it… Sometimes I wish we could take the wisdom of the elders and apply it earlier on our journey to avoid so many of the inevitable mistakes that make up this adventure we call life… I recall in my late teens/early twenties, 6 inch heals were 'the thing,' and … Continue reading “It’s a great life… if you don’t weaken…”
This Little Light of Ours…
A year of gathering all that fills our life... the joyous moments and the painful losses... Beginnings with new life and the last goodbyes... Yet another symptom and the renewed strength to carry on... The struggling relationships, and the strength that comes from being understood... All of it makes for this season of light, no … Continue reading This Little Light of Ours…
In your Silent Night
IN YOUR SILENT NIGHT… when you cannot sleep and the whole world seems too quiet… In your SILENT night… when the demands around you seem to separate you from the rest of humanity… In your SILENT night… when change has taken your peace and hid it in a place you have no energy to find… … Continue reading In your Silent Night
This Christmas as I reflect on what the past year has given me, I recognize that JOY has found me! For so long, I have searched for my niche, and while every corner of my life feeds me… bright contentment has settled on my soul… Many paths have led me to this time… Each turn, … Continue reading JOY
Miracles Happen…
It was a perfect challenge for me… Tackle a too-long-neglected cupboard space and make it worthy of daily living… Being a part of the refugee resettlement project has given us ample opportunities to embrace these challenges. We never know what condition the rental spaces will be in when they’re announced. All that can be guaranteed … Continue reading Miracles Happen…
Pondering the Path
There is nothing like a country road, or a hiking trail through the woods, to remind us of the essential practice of pausing. In the haste of life, we can find ourselves on a path, yet fail to see all it has to offer… Where is it leading us? Or more specifically, WHAT is leading … Continue reading Pondering the Path