The harshness of the world’s realities has many of us pausing more and more often as we seek answers and clarity for how to face the future. I think about the foundations that were given to me and how they have sustained me during many of life’s tribulations.
I am tempted to feel for the young who do not seem to have these same solid groundings, but I am slowing learning that different tools are needed for different tasks. What has served me may not be the instrument necessary for tomorrow’s pioneers.
What I am assured of however, is that even if we must each follow our own path, one cannot underestimate the need for a support system.

I recently learned that the Aspen’s ability to regenerate comes from its long lateral roots. This shared root structure allows new growth to arise. No tree stands alone, simply supporting itself.
I find myself asking more and more, not “Which path?” but rather, “What is my purpose today for the path I find myself on?”
And when I ask this, the length and condition of the path suddenly holds little importance.