So many hands and hearts touching so many lives… This week, another marvelous experience of people making the world a better place.
4 trucks… 1 trailer…11 pick up and drop-offs…50+ volunteers… 1 home… 3 apartments, and reorganizing our storage unit, (paid for by generous donors) ~ THIS was our charge, as we answered “yes!” to tackling the Giant Move.

I got to be behind the scenes a bit this time and understand more fully how the ‘network diagram’ works… that intricate mastermind of connecting all the givers in a productive task, led by the simple mission of finding good in everyone and everything.
In detective work, the primary purpose is to connect the evidence so as to solve a puzzle. In this ministry, the primary purpose is to connect the gifts so as to maximize the solution.
It is amazing how this ‘influence network’ works together, as most of our paths would have never crossed if not for this deep call to help a neighbor in need. I watched as willing souls were slotted into the role they best serve in… finding, arranging, sorting, packing, cleaning, driving, loading, hauling, transporting, flea marketing, sorting, supporting, feeding… The calls are as diverse and marvelous as each of our backgrounds.

We call ourselves Kathy’s Happy Helpers because “she started it.” I chuckle because when children use that phrase, their intent is to avert the blame. When this crew says it, it’s always with a depth of gratitude that we’ve found each other.

Regardless of the faith-base (or not) of each individual, one thing is clear… all are living our convictions. And in doing so, the kingdom of God is growing right here on earth.
There is no doubt that fear, greed, hatred, and hurt are working overtime all around us. Surely we are tempted to fall into despair with the dark belief that all is lost. Yet, it is this very ‘reality’ that makes this ministry another solid reason for turning towards that which brings life.
Rather than discouragement and gloom holding our attention, we are being blessed with the chance to quite clearly understand and live the meaning of “thy kingdom come.” Right here. Right now.
Love doing the work and equally the other workers. It’s a great feeling of satisfaction to see a new home come together.
What a blessing to help others! Indeed! Bravo! For your time and energy and most of all LOVE for others! ❤️
Father Richard Rohr says, “The best criticism of the bad is the practice of the better.” I think that’s just another way of saying that our job here on earth is to do what we can to bring the Kindom (take out the “g” intentionally and look what happens!) here on earth. I love the idea of people who have run perhaps in terror and trouble to our shores, unsure, perhaps unable to speak the language or understand the culture and being given a home — a real home ready made and the welcome mat out.
Hurrah for Kathy’s Helpers! So glad I found you. Thanks to Mari!!
I love the message on Shari’s T-shirt: “You can’t throw stones when you are washing feet.” Paula Voell