This Class…

As I venture into the world of blogging, I am keenly reminded of the intense emotions a teacher has when planning for the beginning of a new year. We face the future with hope, excitement and just a bit of anxiety. I know veteran teachers who still cannot sleep the night before the school year begins!

What does this have to do with my venture into this new ‘classroom’ platform? Simply, there may be 35 years of experiences behind me to share; but in front of me is YOU, my class.

I do not yet know your names, haven’t heard your interests… YOU have not yet shared your struggles, frustrations and victories.

But I hope you will!

If there is one thing retirement from the elementary classroom has taught me, is that you need to fill your days with ‘other classrooms…’ This I have done. But it is the students who make the stories, who inspire, who ask the questions that make us want to keep learning.

This may be my moment; but I hope you join the class…!

2 thoughts on “This Class…

  1. I’m not a writer. But I am a “supporter.” I will join your class and place myself in the “Just today” cubby. Only for me, it is “just for today.” This I have found to be a lifeline when the impossible, the overwhelming surrounds me and threatens to trap me and trip me up. I tell myself I can manage “just for today .” I can do this thing today without the pressure of looking any further down the path. And it becomes doable. One step at a time.

    1. Linda, Thank you for another way to look at moments… Be assured, your ‘just for today” practices have brought remarkable moments! And WELCOME to the class!

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