Sometimes, we may not even understand what moves us to begin something… Often the impetus wells up from deep within, and if we are able to trust it… wonderful life emerges.
Truth be told, this is not my first moment… Rather, it is simply my jump off point… The words have been forming a long time. My writer’s heart has much to say… much more than is spoken. A children’s book, my annual holiday reflections… these have been the tip of an iceberg.
But I have reached a point in my life, when I have the time and space to capture these gems in printed word.
One of the reasons I have hesitated to start, is because (though I have a lot to share,) I wasn’t sure what others might want to hear! But after some prayerful conversations, and some much-needed quiet moments, I think it’s time to trust my soul… and move forward to share the moments I have been gifted with.
And ‘The moment’ thing? That too, has surfaced from a need to stop and take a breath.
My first blog entry comes from my last classroom. So much was bombarding us… a world in crisis, political chaos, educational challenges, a weary body, and a group of children who had so much kindness and goodness to share if only they could sift through the rubble of daily living.
I started mostly for me. I NEEDED to stop and take a breath, so that I could be present to my students… NOT just get through the day. So after morning announcements, we would put down whatever we were working on, or catching up on… and take “our moment.”
Breathe in… breathe out… Breathe in all the universe has to offer you… Breathe out anything that you brought to school today that might get in the way of your learning… Breathe in the good… Breathe out the negative… AND think about what you can bring to your day; how can you make someone else’s day a little better… ? How can you be your best..? Breathe in… Breathe out… Namaste.
Simple. It took less than 60 seconds most days and for this control-conscious-teacher, that was a lot!
But what a difference it made. Within a week, my students were asking me if they could lead the moment! If I’d forget a day, it was my ‘reluctant learners’ …those often tagged as ‘disenfranchised’ or ‘attention deficit,’ who emphatically reminded me that we had forgotten; that we must stop and take a moment!
Occasionally, on exceptionally rough days, I would stop and say, “I don’t know about you, but who needs another ‘moment of being?” Inevitably, most hands would go up… Our spirits NEED to take these moments. If we don’t, we miss the grace.
I know that there are zillions of mindful practices out there these days. For this, I am thrilled and grateful. So why am I adding to what is already out there?
Because I HAVE been gracedbythemoments, and if there is one thing I have learned, it is that being blessed is always better when it is shared out… To this, I am committed… Namaste.