Sometimes It Just Keeps Raining

Sometimes it just keeps raining. This week, while in the ADK, the only chance I had to climb a mountain was a day the forecast promised rain… 36-90%! The forecast did not fail. Bound and determined, we hiked… sometimes in a drizzle, but always with a wet reminder that we are not in charge of anything except our attitude.

The path was gorgeous. Early fallen leaves had settled around every boulder making a bed of beauty as if Mother Nature had rolled out her majestic carpet. Even the rain added to her masterpiece, as the wet collage of color smiled up at us.

We chose the long path over the steep short trek. We’d done that before. Today’s challenge was to visit an old friend, not prove our brawn. 

Pausing often to catch our breath… and sometimes to remember to breathe (!) I took in my surroundings in a new way… My intention was less about reaching the summit and more about the lesson of the journey. She did not fail me…nor did I.

Gratitude came, as she always does when I let her. Gratitude, my fondest and most faithful traveling companion.

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