Today we took a much needed hike at the Erie County Bureau of Forestry on Genesee Rd in East Concord. Although the parking lot was full, everyone on the trail respected social distancing, stepping out of the way when others had to pass. When we started out, the path was clear, and void of fellow hikers…

As we moved deeper into the woods, the winter snow had melted, leaving the trail covered with winter debris, strewn across the path, sometimes even ‘hiding’ which way to go…

We like to visit this trail in all the seasons…. Today, we agreed that more than the usual number of trees seemed to not only be down, but to also have disrupted the designated trail, making navigation a bit more challenging.

Muddy footpaths, thick enough to ‘clog up and hold’ a poorly fastened piece of footwear was the reality of the day. With bramble and deadness still the prominent part of the path, were it not for the trail markers, the walk would have been more challenging than usual.

But we had each other. To point dangers out. To Lean on. To support over ‘tricky leaps’ and steep inclines.

The trail markers (freshly painted it appeared,) offered alternate turns, where fallen trees and broken limbs blocked previous ways to travel. They reminded me of a childhood memory. My parents used to have a subscription to a monthly magazine called Guideposts. Short stories of faith and perseverance to encourage other life travelers on the journey. Many a rainy childhood afternoon, and yes, even into the trying teen years, when there was nothing to do… I would devour those stories, hanging on to the hope and courage of others’ life experiences. Always, it shed light for me, on questions and doubts that crossed my path..
Despite the demands of the hike today, it was indeed a prayer walk. Each challenge a reminder of how life can teach us in so many ways. In the depths of the forest, the sun was shining through…keeping my focus on what is ahead, even as I carefully watched my step so as to not put myself at risk on the slippery mud or a hidden root that could trip me up.
Today, in the forest that still held the deadness of winter, with spring not peeking its sweet hints of life through just yet, I was reminded of life in ALL forms. And in that MOMENT, I knew once again, that I am blessed.
Love you Grace, thank you for being a light in my dark world right now.
The reality of how much we’re in this together is ever more clear…