This is my first blog, but not my first public writing. I authored a book after the October Storm in Western New York, titled: There Will Come Another.
I am always looking for things that speak to me… which I can then create into something worth sharing. I am hoping this blog will be the avenue I’ve been looking for…
I would like to be able to say this moment was graced with excitement and pride. If I’m going to be honest however, creating this blog has been a sequence of frustrations and feelings of inadequacy. My relatively healthy self-image has been challenged by my limited exposure to and ability to navigate new and unfamiliar technological tools.
Me, I’m more of the ‘creative gal…’ Give me a garden, a pad of paper, a kitchen, or my camera, and I will happily go about creating something new! The ‘new‘ is what got me here…
“A blog is new,” I thought. I’ve been told I have a way with words… “Why not?!”
And my answer is simple.
The desire to communicate with others through my written word will not leave me. My passion for photography continues to offer me avenues of growth and opportunity. And as a teacher by trade, I may have retired from my elementary classroom post, but I am far from done paying forward what I’ve been given.