Even as we are rooted in our own past… the roots along the paths on my recent hikes, seem to be shouting at me… to examine, to touch, to capture their essence… to know their strength.
When I hear how much of the world is suffering… When I ponder the many, many injustices that seem to continue through the ages… I find turning back to the roots brings me comfort, strength and wisdom.

Walking through a hushed forest, I see the ravages of a passing storm and marvel how some trees have hung on, by their faithful roots.
Seeing yet another tree UPROOTED, I notice its shallow roots, no longer able to hold the tree up against the elements.
Tripping on a gnarly root, I am reminded to not only pick up my feet, but more amazingly, that the roots are actually SURFACING. They used to be DEEP in the earth, nourishing the mighty oaks, and elms and pines. Despite the fact that they have become exposed, they are still holding those great trees up!

Roots, their surfaces smoothed by the heavy feet of travelers, continue to dominate the paths, refusing to be released for weaker plants whose history and sustenance could never run as deep.
I am learning from the roots. There is strength and wisdom in our history. Simple truths that no storm can destroy, unless we allow ourselves to be uprooted. The roots are not glamorous. They will trip you up! But they are grounded in the soil of the earth, just as our deepest strengths are grounded in our truths.
I believe I shall stick with the roots. They have much to teach me.