There are two phrases the quarantine has given us, which have gotten old very quickly for me: ‘unprecedented times‘ and ‘the new normal.’

I get it – these are unprecedented times!
But for me, these terms carry with them a sort of ‘dark cloud,’ as if there is a siren running in the back ground warning of impending danger — ALL the TIME.
While I do not propose being an ostrich, putting my head in the sand and hoping everything goes away — I AM of the mindset that if we are going to survive and thrive in this global pandemic, we need to think prodigiously.
PRODIGIOUS. That is MY new word.
Definition 1. extraordinary in size, amount, extent, degree, force, etc. 2 wonderful or marvelous
Isn’t it time that we allow ourselves to look beyond the struggles in front of us, especially what we’ve lost, knowing there are silver linings out there?

The insanity of what we’re going through would encourage you NOT to think this way. We are programmed to hunker down and resist, even as we persist.
But I believe in prodigious opportunities. I am eager to discover what natural abilities I have on the other side of a Zoom session, or how limited social contact can bless my soul.
It makes me wonder if there are just too many lessons we have yet to learn before this current stream of energy can get turned off.
Resisting it hasn’t helped. Labeling it has given it the credence it deserves. But I am ready to take it to the next level… whatever prodigious reality that may be…
Prodigious 🙂