Four months…! It’s four months today that I had my shoulder surgery. A little over five months that my friend graciously offered me her recliner chair so that I would be able to sleep and heal therapeutically.

When I got the text that they were on the way… I paused… She and her grandsons were headed over to pick the chair up and bring it back to her house because unfortunately she needs another surgery herself. So I took those few moments… and paused ~ because her generosity and openness to be ‘listening for the call’ no matter how big or how small …continues to inspire me.

This time of rehab has not been too slow-paced… I have been able to do many, though not all of the things I typically can do. It slowed me down just enough to recognize all the gifts that each day brings us. The chair provided me a different view… Instead of sleeping in the dark, I was positioned in the living room, where I could look out on my neighborhood and became more familiar with it. I have come to realize how important it is to be aware and familiar with the comings and goings around us.
This time has also provided me and reminded me …of the importance of listening. In listening more, I’ve come to realize sometimes things are worth speaking of, and sometimes it’s worth much more to stay silent!

Having this new view from my window continues to reinforce for me that there is so much more to learn than there is to teach and it is in learning that we find ourselves reaching out more to others rather than looking for them to reach out to us.
I am grateful for this time in my chair at the window… grateful for good friends and family… grateful for the support and love that is one ask away…, grateful for the things that slow me down and finally, grateful for the strength to take on the things that bring hope to the world.