If LOVE is all encompassing, I wonder what would happen if Valentine’s Day evolved beyond showing love to one’s ‘special person…’
A couple years back, at a period of time when our school and our country was experiencing a particularly challenging and turmultuous time… when everyone carried a weariness… and smiling could even be hard… I printed up a simple flier and had my students randomly hang them on the walls of the school halls.
Then we sat back and watched…

Such a simple act. Such a profound impact.
All week long, people thoughout the building mentioned how a student had “given them some love…” And before you knew it, more ‘fliers’ appeared; and with them, a change in the energy.
We all know about random acts of kindness, about paying it forward, about being the change… Sometimes we just need to be reminded.
So what about this ‘Valentine’s thing…?’ I know couples who don’t need a day to express their love and devotion; they show it in the hard stuff day in and day out. But we all know MORE people, who TODAY, don’t have anyone reminding them that they ARE LOVED.
Wouldn’t it be a grand day of LOVE, if everyone who was prompted, took that moment and shared a little love with someone that wasn’t expecting it…?

You are loved!