This Christmas as I reflect on what the past year has given me, I recognize that JOY has found me! For so long, I have searched for my niche, and while every corner of my life feeds me… bright contentment has settled on my soul…

Many paths have led me to this time… Each turn, pause and backtrack has played its role in bringing me here. For each, yes EVERY one, I am grateful.
As I embrace the call & gift of preparing homes for refugees from
all over the world, I am reminded of Joseph & Mary. They were not
settling in a new homeland. They simply were looking for temporary
housing to make the birth of their child a safe experience.
The families we have been gifted with are also looking for safety.
They are looking for security. They are hoping for an opportunity
to give their children the decency of a life without famine, warfare,
constant crime and devastation.
We know that we cannot guarantee that our acts will give them this. But we have been called to be instruments to that end.

This year, I am using my blog to share my Christmas reflection. Most of my Christmas card list is on Facebook, so I am comfortable shifting my energies from creating, ordering, addressing, and mailing them… to using that time and energy where my heart is genuinely calling me… You are a part of this, as the money usually spent on this project will go instead for those families
‘searching for a place to lay their heads…”
I am grateful for my life, for the passage of time that is teaching me how to live authentically. This path is bringing me JOY. My prayer for you… that JOY also finds you… she is waiting, not even hiding(!)…, ready to burst into your heart and life… today and every day.

I absolutely love this! You said it perfectly! Thank you! Merry Christmas and thank you for all you do! Hugs!
And back to you Daria!
We love you and your activities! Keep it going for us!!!
Mike Sheyla Mia
I love this loving message and how it was delivered. Merry Joyful Christmas my friend.
Our friendship is a JOYFUL SPOT in my life!
Grace, your inspiring, joyful message
is heart warming on this blustery day!
Grace this is so beautiful and I am so thankful you are in my life .