Let the journey BE our Bethlehem. Unable to find space to safely lay our weary bodies down, let us look to the abundance around and within, to know what we must do.

Frustrated by the laws of the land, may we look inwardly with true humility, rather than outwardly with judgement, accepting the desert we have been given to retreat to.
Struggling in the needs surrounding us, may we see the door which can take us to a more just society.
The hardships do not need to frighten us; they can be the conduit to our best selves… made in the image and likeness of God.
The road is not smooth. It is not easy. It IS one that can genuinely give us the HOPE we have been promised.

There is work to be done… Let our journey to Bethlehem BE what brings EVERYONE to the PEACE, COMFORT and HOPE we so dearly wish for in our hearts.
There will be a highway there called ‘The Sacred Path’ -Isaiah 35:8