IN YOUR SILENT NIGHT… when you cannot sleep and the whole world seems too quiet…
In your SILENT night… when the demands around you seem to separate you from the rest of humanity…
In your SILENT night… when change has taken your peace and hid it in a place you have no energy to find…
In your SILENT night… when loss makes silence the enemy rather than the comfort…
In your SILENT night… when loneliness takes your vulnerability to the breaking point
In your SILENT night… waiting for the inevitable which you can hardly fathom
In your SILENT night… when sickness robs you of the strength to do the things you love…
In your SILENT night… when anxiety lures you toward despair…
In your SILENT night… when your little world is crumbling around you and the larger world seems to be as well…

IN YOUR HOLY NIGHT… may you find the courage to be silent…
In your HOLY night… may you listen to your soul’s cry for attention…
In your HOLY night… may you hold your change close and care for it
In your HOLY night… may the hole left behind be a vessel to receive your next gift…
In your HOLY night… may your find fortitude to look for the downtrodden around you…
In your HOLY night… may you be open to take in the grace that walks with you…
In your HOLY night… may you be open to accept your powerlessness …
In your HOLY night… may nothing rob you of your inherit rights and blessings…
In your HOLY night… may you choose hope in your tomorrow…

Thanks, Grace. I needed to read this. I am struggling.. bad.
The holidays send such a message of ‘cheer’ and festivities. While I believe we deserve joy, I am learning to look in the “not so typical” corners of my life to find it. In doing this… joy keeps peeking through. You are in my prayers.