Walking the Adirondack trails with its fresh air, rocky paths and impeccable views is one of my favorite kinds of therapy. Whether wrapped in comforting exchanges, challenging discourses or moments of introspective solitude, the mountain offers the space to reconnect with what matters.

Here, on the mountain, I am reminded of what supports and what trips me up. Again, nature offers her gifts to illustrate those simple life lessons.
This past week, the roots had the leading role!

So often, were it not for their ever presence and quick accessibility, I am not sure all of our treks would have been as successful. The reassurance that they were ‘right there’ ~deeply anchored and ready, offered us the support and security we needed to pull ourselves up or lower ourselves down safely to the next layer of the challenge.

It reminded me of those people in my life who have done the same for me. AND it brought to mind the experiences that have formed my deepest beliefs and strongest convictions. Those foundations of my character ~ anchored in my past ~ are ready to be called upon for support when I need to go deeply within as life offers me challenges to face. I thought about the security that hard fought belief systems offer when situations cross our path and we are looking for guideposts.

Even as I whispered prayers of gratitude for the mighty roots, I was equally reminded of their dangers.

How easy it was to be tripped up by the same factor that I was once so dependent on! Walking casually along ~ that which is essential in one situation, becomes a hazardous obstacle in another.
Just like in life.

As we crossed mile after mile of ‘reminders,’ I could not help but ponder which roots in my life should I still depend on, which should I be cautious of, and which should I avoid…
What old patterns in my life no longer serve me or others for good? Where am I getting tripped up by old habits or go-to reactions? How can that which once seemed so valuable and necessary, now risk growth, hinder peace of mind and interfere with higher consciousness?

The root strewn path …or the deeply rooted anchors… Each of them need to continue to be examined… To everything there is a season.