The world as we, the inhabitants of the earth know it, has shifted. Other than a few of our elders who survived the 1918 Influenza pandemic, we have never known this level of health scare and the current situation has people tempted to panic.
In this period, before it ‘hits home…’ I am particularly focused on the many reactions bombarding social media.
And I am challenged to be part of the solution, not the pollution (as we used to say in school!)
How will that look?
First and foremost, I will be diligent in my FOCUS on facts, not fear.

But even more important, I am going to spend my isolated moments (if it comes to that) gathering the ideas of those persons who naturally FOCUS OUT.

Because it is not about the inconvenience that the virus puts on me.
It is about being a responsible global citizen, responding proactively and supportively to those trying to prevent a big problem from growing larger.
I read and listen to those responses on social media… the “why me?!” posts.
And then I think about the nameless faces of those who have already lost loved ones to the virus.
Life and death will continue.
But choosing how I live with the inconveniences… that is the FOCUS I suggest we must all embrace.

I was so encouraged by one friend’s post. She is in the medical field and keenly aware that, should the US get hit as it is projected, “it’ll be all hands on deck.” Being proactive, she has pre-posted a proposal to offer those college students who have had their education interrupted to help with childcare so that medical personnel can continue to care for those in need.
How many of us can look at the unknown-ness of the upcoming weeks and rather than see the upheaval it presents to our life, look at the opportunity it gives us to reach out to others?
I recall, on a smaller scale, the Blizzard of 77 in Buffalo, NY. Neighbors met neighbors; everyone naturally reached out to help those who could not help themselves. We grew as a community. The blizzard was simply the tool that got us there…
Again, during 9-11.
We DID become a KINDER, GENTLER world for that period.
Could our world be needing such a nudge again?
There are ALWAYS two perspectives… which one will you react and respond to?
Yes! And I like to recall what Fred Rogers said about times of chaos: “Look to the helpers.”
That’s right! Where there is darkness and suffering… look for the good people…