
Every year without fail, the King cake arrived. I don’t know how many Harriet sent out, but every family member across the USA remarked about it… and that’s a LOT of King Cakes. For those who may not know, (I did NOT before I met my sister-in-law, Harriet!)… the King Cake originated in France and … Continue reading Faith…Justice…Power…


This week, I was driving home after a late afternoon walk. Realizing my timing had me potentially running smack dab into 5 o’clock rush hour, I decided to take a different way home… one not necessarily off the beaten path, but certainly not one I usually chose. In some faith traditions, the season of Advent … Continue reading Open…

How we Use that Which is Given to Us…

Walking the Adirondack trails with its fresh air, rocky paths and impeccable views is one of my favorite kinds of therapy. Whether wrapped in comforting exchanges, challenging discourses or moments of introspective solitude, the mountain offers the space to reconnect with what matters. Here, on the mountain, I am reminded of what supports and what … Continue reading How we Use that Which is Given to Us…


Photography is my passion and the past eighteen months has offered many opportunities to capture the beauty that surrounds us as we’ve explored new trails and discovered hidden gems in our own backyard. Despite my frequent outings, I have missed capturing those special times when generations gather for a family photo shoot. This summer the … Continue reading Generations