The last couple of years has brought me to a place that feels like home. As a semi-retired woman who knows the privilege, as well as the hardships of my own identify in society, it has been a life pursuit to find … and keep finding(!)… my niche.
Issues of social justice are incredibly important to me, but this corner of my world has actually grown to be more than that. In addition to the ‘why’ behind the energy, I am coming to discover how having the opportunity to work side by side with others who not only share my values but who walk the walk… has broadened many of the narrow hallways of my own thinking, as personal perspective, awareness, and hope continue to grow.
Sharing my journey with others, regarding what Refugee Resettlement means has opened doors and provided access to countless dozens of generous souls. Donating takes on a whole different meaning, as givers and gatherers, collectors and shippers, storers and transporters, artists and designers, haulers and cleaners… pool their God-given gifts as well as their life-long affiliations to build a massive connected and committed network of miracle makers.
I firmly believe that we are called to be co-creators. And the homes we create by the goodness of others is nothing short of a miracle!

Our last home was for a single Congolese woman and her 3 children, all under the age of 10. The apartment was 3 stories up… That’s 42 stairs… or 6 landings of 7 stairs each… Many of the donation carriers are near or past retirement age… We have quickly learned to make a human work chain and we still get our steps in!
As I share my joy and enthusiasm with friends and family, the first inquiry is always, “what do you need?” And fortunately, the response seems to fit almost everyone’s budget, as the needs are vast.
Currently, we are growing at a rate that often the physical items are collected faster than we can place them in a home.
- So we’ve invested in a storage unit. That’s a well-spent but ongoing monthly fee.
- So are the per-household consumable items we are responsible for ‘collecting.’ Even the Dollar Store adds up..! So yes, gift cards to the Dollar Store are graciously accepted.
- Our volunteers, though they ask for nothing, often give more than their time and talent; it is nice to nourish them during long moving days. Gift cards to local supermarkets or pizza/sub places (most of our homes are in the city) would lighten the additional spending of team leaders who have been footing that bill out of pocket as well.
- An inventory sheet of resettlement home needs has been developed and revised as we get better and better at meeting a real need. We’re always looking for certain items!
- For those interested, you can find and ask to join Kathy’s Happy Helpers on Facebook, for regular updates.

As I descended the 3 floors of our last apartment this week, I imagined the young mother who would soon climb those same stairs, probably carrying her youngest, while leading the other two hand in hand. I smiled at the privilege to be a part of their story. I most likely will not get to meet them face to face. But yet, I am connected to this little family forever. Humanity is one. And no matter what borders are crossed; or what challenges are faced, we are building a world of empowerment, one home at a time.
Beautiful. Faith in action.
Beautiful story…wonderful thoughts, and Buffalo is blessed to have Kathy’s Helpers!!