Blog Posts
Bruised and Broken… Life continues to grow.
Be There.
The message to “be there” has been my companion during the pandemic. That means quieting myself. Whether seeking my own serenity or to better hear other, it is impossible to put a value on the art of presence. Houseboat community, Canadaigua Lake, NY Moments can easily be missed when bombarded by best intentions, opinions, perspectives … Continue reading Be There.
Don’t Miss the Gem in the Lesson
The sun is shining this morning, and we have survived another collegiate year of teacher training. It certainly wasn’t crisis free, nor did the plan always go as planned. But this Friday, a new set of teachers will walk across the stage to receive their hard-earned acknowledgement that indeed, they are qualified to lead our … Continue reading Don’t Miss the Gem in the Lesson
Love and Wisdom Larger than Ours…
Easter 2021… Who would have ever predicted LAST Easter when we were cautiously hopeful that we might "soon" be able to gather again for family holidays in a life fully lived, that a year later we would still be living the challenge. In our home, we decided to make our own traditions, so we planned … Continue reading Love and Wisdom Larger than Ours…
Talk to Your Students About Your Whiteness
There are days that I wish I were still in the classroom. Days when the ministry of teaching wells up within me so forcefully that I ache for the opportunity to explore a horizon with young minds. Today is such a day. March is Women’s History Month. And this week we celebrate International Women’s Day … Continue reading Talk to Your Students About Your Whiteness
Finding Your Path…
Recently I read a line in a journey book ~ “There is no path until we walk it.” ~M. Silf In sharing that line with my sister, she shared this story: I had a “path experience" this week. I had made a path through the snow to get to the birdfeeders. They needed refilling. I … Continue reading Finding Your Path…
They’ll Be Okay…
Today was unique. I observed one of my student teachers teaching face to face. I’ve ‘known’ this young lady since September, when she was assigned to my graduate level cohort for field-experience, the prerequisite to student teaching. All those encounters had been remote. I only knew Jillian by her position on my Zoom screen. I’d … Continue reading They’ll Be Okay…
This past week I had the opportunity to hike with my niece. We came upon these trees which caught our attention due to their parallel posture. It appeared that over time they must have been forced to bend as they did by some element in nature. We guessed it had been the wind or a … Continue reading Entangled
Journey to HOPE…
Let the journey BE our Bethlehem. Unable to find space to safely lay our weary bodies down, let us look to the abundance around and within, to know what we must do. Frustrated by the laws of the land, may we look inwardly with true humility, rather than outwardly with judgement, accepting the desert we … Continue reading Journey to HOPE…