Be There.

The message to “be there” has been my companion  during the pandemic. That means quieting myself.  Whether seeking my own serenity or to better hear other, it is impossible to put a value on the art of presence.

Houseboat community, Canadaigua Lake, NY

Moments can easily be missed when bombarded by best intentions, opinions, perspectives  and demanding schedules.

We took a brief overnight trip and walked some creek beds this week. No surprise that nature is one of the easiest ways to be present. Limited distractions provide the setting for just being.

Grimes Gully, Naples, NY

I am making a conscious choice for the next month to look for and record a moment given to me each day. Pictures certainly draw more attention; maybe that’s because they DO capture a MOMENT… where words take one’s mind down any number of paths.

In an effort to be there for myself as well as others, I hope to share the joy of being ‘in my now.’ I certainly recognize that it’ll help me be there for another’s moment. And what could be more important than that?

I look forward to sharing my daily photo with you.

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