Walking the Old Scarbuck Trail at Genesee Forestry near East Concord, NY… I found the familiar trails well worn. The pandemic has removed many typical activities from our calendars, yet one of its ‘gifts’ is that more people are taking to the trail and connecting more with nature.
Maybe the paths have been this worn all along, and I am just now taking notice. I certainly had to pick up my feet to avoid stumbling on the ever-present roots that seemed to be rising out of the earth!

Roots. Today, they seemed to be shouting their messages.
Most often… the sight of roots emerging from the earth reminds me of the necessity to ground myself. Being centered, and knowing where and what I come from is an important piece in the puzzle of life.
Other times, the intertwining roots are a clear image of our interdependence, and the ever present need to reach out to others in need.
Today, in a time when so much hostile energy threatens to rob us of our peace, I saw the dangers of getting tangled up in the roots of negativity.

The worn path, with its many protruding root systems, holds vast messages. I choose to focus on not getting tripped up. I choose the messages and lessons for the higher good.