
Following my double total knee replacement, I felt so straight and strong that I embraced hiking with a renewed passion. Perhaps a bit cocky, I needed to slow down and respect the precepts of the forest; in particular the roots, which kept tripping me up… Roots always get me thinking. And not just when I … Continue reading Roots


I read an insightful notation in my daily reflection this week… “the drought had struck…, (and) as the water in a large reservoir evaporated, the shape of a 400-year-old church began to emerge…” A question surfaced in my heart: what is emerging in our current COVID-19 reality? Acropolis, Greece Despite very real emergencies and ever-growing … Continue reading Emerging…

Empty Halls…Troubled Hearts ♥️ Supporting our Young People ♥️

Found on Google; Created by There are a lot of posts floating around regarding how to best COPE with our current quarantine and social distancing. As a teacher, I am naturally most akin to anything linked to students and the classroom experience. Our hearts go out to all who are mourning the loss of … Continue reading Empty Halls…Troubled Hearts ♥️ Supporting our Young People ♥️

We Will Never Agree…

It does not take a pandemic to point out the realities of human nature and interaction. If nothing else, the current world situation, and how various authorities are responding, shows the vastness of interpretation, values and human reaction. But what surfaces for me, is what I view as the 'bigger truth.' Sedona, Arizona, circa 2011 … Continue reading We Will Never Agree…


The world as we, the inhabitants of the earth know it, has shifted. Other than a few of our elders who survived the 1918 Influenza  pandemic, we have never known this level of health scare and the current situation has people tempted to panic. In this period, before it ‘hits home…’ I am particularly focused … Continue reading Focus

Shine – Life’s Bright Spots

I recently spent the afternoon on a craft project with my nephew. It was an educational and enjoyable experience. We had to communicate, work collaboratively, and LISTEN to each other... The task was creating a Glow-in-the-Dark nightlight using a balloon, glue, string and a lot of TEAMwork! The final product, displayed in glorious color on … Continue reading Shine – Life’s Bright Spots