
Twelve long weeks ago, I was made keenly aware of  how the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent quarantine was a wake-up call. Despite the challenges, I witnessed people becoming keenly aware of their priorities, asking those important questions... what really matters? Family. How do we Protect.? What is REALLY Essential? How can I best Connect? How … Continue reading Essential…?

In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week 2020

It takes on a whole new meaning this year… Whether you’re the  teacher who ‘lost’ her/his class, or the parent who gained one! ~education now wears a face that we could not even have conceived of a few months ago.  During this special week in education, I wanted to recognize and applaud the efforts I … Continue reading In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week 2020


Stacked rocks, more commonly known as Cairns, placed along the trail signify that you are on the right track. It is a marker guiding you to the correct path or trail in cases where navigation becomes difficult and the trail may be easily lost.                                                         Lincoln Park, Puget Sound From the time I saw my first cairn, … Continue reading Balance