Yesterday, we took a ride to Angola, NY to pick strawberries. For me, this is an activity with benefits far and wide… Outdoors, easy pickings, no thorns, intermittent sunshine with billowy clouds offering bits of respite from the heat of the afternoon. Good exercise, (I cannot kneel since my knee replacements) so it’s plenty of … Continue reading May you know joy…
Author: admin
Creating the Space to Grow
I’ll be honest, this week has been the hardest yet for me, since the pandemic closed our country. I have read more posts, listened to more YouTube clips, heard more heartbreak than I ever dreamt possible. The thing that is breaking my heart, is the blame. The finger pointing. The “I’m right and you’re wrong” … Continue reading Creating the Space to Grow
Twelve long weeks ago, I was made keenly aware of how the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent quarantine was a wake-up call. Despite the challenges, I witnessed people becoming keenly aware of their priorities, asking those important questions... what really matters? Family. How do we Protect.? What is REALLY Essential? How can I best Connect? How … Continue reading Essential…?
It caught me in the quiet whisper of awareness, as we turned the bend on our walk today. Since mid-March when the quarantine limited outdoor activity to national social distancing, we have been taking this opportunity to discover the trails and parks available for safe and peaceful exercise. Stiglmeier Park, Cheektowaga, NY One site in … Continue reading Familiar
Education… Our Future…
During National Teacher Week, our hearts and minds have gone to ALL the many factors that encompass 'being a teacher.' The spotlight on educators is brighter than ever, as we face what it means to teach a child in today’s world. Every day, I hear another story. The images sometimes bring me heart ache, sometimes … Continue reading Education… Our Future…
Remembering My Teachers
During this week of Teacher Appreciation, my intention is to post, from May 4th through 8th, in honor of Educators everywhere. Today’s post goes to my past, because every teacher knows that it takes a village. We are not alone in this quest to open the horizons of our students. Many, many souls are responsible … Continue reading Remembering My Teachers
In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week 2020
It takes on a whole new meaning this year… Whether you’re the teacher who ‘lost’ her/his class, or the parent who gained one! ~education now wears a face that we could not even have conceived of a few months ago. During this special week in education, I wanted to recognize and applaud the efforts I … Continue reading In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week 2020
Stacked rocks, more commonly known as Cairns, placed along the trail signify that you are on the right track. It is a marker guiding you to the correct path or trail in cases where navigation becomes difficult and the trail may be easily lost. Lincoln Park, Puget Sound From the time I saw my first cairn, … Continue reading Balance
Guess! Hike! Win!
Final Week! Guess the most correct Walking Places in Western New York. Check out Weeks #1, 2 and 3 before the answers are posted. The person with the most correct answers gets a $50 gift certificate to a WNY restaurant of their choice open during the quarantine. EVERYONE wins - by trying out a new … Continue reading Guess! Hike! Win!
NEEDED: Teachers. Students. Parents. Administrators
Will You Tell Your Story? The pandemic quarantine has given me a lot of time for journaling, blogging and returning to my retirement project of writing a book for new teachers. It dawned on me, that what has been dubbed “our new norm” would change some of the content of that book. So I revamped … Continue reading NEEDED: Teachers. Students. Parents. Administrators