Trusting Time… If there has been one lesson that has been my life-long companion, it is to trust time… With a natural tendancy to want things fixed ‘yesterday' ...that has often been my challenge. Whether it was a mistake I made, a conflict unresolved or a goal unreached, it seemed I was always being reminded … Continue reading Slow Down, You Move Too Fast
Author: admin
Love when it isn’t expected
If LOVE is all encompassing, I wonder what would happen if Valentine's Day evolved beyond showing love to one's 'special person...' A couple years back, at a period of time when our school and our country was experiencing a particularly challenging and turmultuous time... when everyone carried a weariness... and smiling could even be hard... … Continue reading Love when it isn’t expected
Wide Angle
I've been thinking a lot lately, about how I look at things. I risk the tendancy to ruminate on my perspective and need to be careful not to operate from too small a space. It's not that I shelter myself; nor do I limit the viewpoints one might encounter in a day. However, if there … Continue reading Wide Angle
This Class…
As I venture into the world of blogging, I am keenly reminded of the intense emotions a teacher has when planning for the beginning of a new year. We face the future with hope, excitement and just a bit of anxiety. I know veteran teachers who still cannot sleep the night before the school year … Continue reading This Class…
The First Moment…
Sometimes, we may not even understand what moves us to begin something... Often the impetus wells up from deep within, and if we are able to trust it... wonderful life emerges. Truth be told, this is not my first moment... Rather, it is simply my jump off point... The words have been forming a long … Continue reading The First Moment…
Truth be told…
I would like to be able to say this moment was graced with excitement and pride. After all, doesn't starting anything new, work as a catalyst for renewed energy? But if I'm going to be honest... the technical components were nearly the roadblocks that sent me back to only dreaming about sharing my thoughts to … Continue reading Truth be told…