I found that I needed a long walk in the woods today to clear my mind and shake off both the internal and external stressors around me. As we climbed the first mile of the trail, I was reminded of a Shaman practice I’d learned years ago.

Just as my faith-based upbringing taught me to pray and believe, so too I’d learned how nature is bursting with messages and reminders… if only we get quiet and alert enough to listen and hear.
We arrived shortly after a hard rain, so the trail was extra mucky. Keeping a watchful eye and maintaining caution of the slippery leaves on the slick, muddy path I focused ever so much on the details of my surroundings.
This watchful state drew my attention to the early signs of life dying around me as one season is coming to an end and another is preparing for rest.
Rather than the brilliance of color that we’d seen on our ride down Rte. 219, here on the trail sometimes even difficult to find, we traversed through mud when we weren’t walking on brown, decomposing leaves.
Beneath the trampled, crumpled leaves, the earth was preparing itself to receive the seeds and sprouts that will bring forth life after the dead of winter.

We remained vigilant when the path became hidden, and we did not allow ourselves to lose heart when backtracking was called into play.
Today’s hike reminded me of the journey so many of us are keenly aware of being on…
It is HARD… to acknowledge pain and death, struggle and discouragement… When the path is unclear, life can become a challenge to face.

Today’s walk on a wet, muddy trail reminded me that even when life as we know it may be ending, there forever and always will be new life for those who take the time to look and see.
Grace, you always see the beauty and the meaning 😘😘